Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Flying Pumpkins

Bugs are bigger in the tropics. It's a fact. Also, to compliment their novelty sizes, they all move at foolish speeds. I've gotten used to the size, but I'm still having severe speed issues. Anything I can't outrun scares the living shit out of me. For example, the last thing I needed today was to be chased down the hall by a hornet that could pass as a zeppelin. Actually I fibbed a little when I said I can deal with the size. The size had a lot to do with the terror in this case. I'm pretty sure it could smell fear, and I was sending out major puss vibes. I guess I shouldn't have gotten in his personal bubble with the Goddamn macro function of my camera. I'll go on record for all the agitated hornets reading this blog: "I apologize. I overstepped my bounds. It will not happen again". If (God forbid) I have an accident here, I want it to be completely out of my control. A Jeepney flipping over and crushing the living shit out of me would be a cool way to go out. Tripping over the coffee-table while running away from a bug, like a little girl, and sticking my head through the television would not. Actually, yeah it would.

The funny thing is this is less than a day after I gave Andrew a hard time for being afraid of a cockroach. He was talking on the phone when he pointed out a dark blob on the wall. I went over the investigate and found a cockroach that had to be a guy in a suit. Like i said, the size isn't usually the issue. It's the speed. So Andrew's noticeably disturbed by our guest and I'm making fun of him. I grab the trusty ol' camera to get a nice picture of the bastard, a superior shit-eating smirk on my face the whole time, when the cockroach decided to pull a fast one on me. It flew. It flew right over my head, landed on the upstairs step, turned around, gave me a wink (probably) and said:

"Didn't think I could fly did ya pal?"

"No sir, I did not".

So...cockroaches can fly...

I have a pic of the beast on FaceBook for those brave enough to look. The comments so far are pretty funny.

I'd like to thank everyone for the positive response to my pictures and blog entries. It's fun to wake up every morning and find new comments waiting for me. I really appreciate the interest, and I thank you. I miss all of you guys and can't wait to see you all again.

Until the next one, later.


Meg said...

LOL... the cochroach in the suit comment had me thinking along the lines of Fitz' comments about Shane being Kipper in a bear suit.

After checking out Facebook for the roach, my dreams were crushed. That thing was ugly. You are much less of a puss than me my friend. I would have done a few freak out dances and request that someone send me a bottle of RAID.

Beautiful island pictures. You should stay there for the next 5 months :)

Anonymous said...

Your cockroach voice reads like Catch's voice in my head.
