Wednesday, February 25, 2009

More Wrestling Dialogue/ Don't Shit Your Pants

If you haven't already, read the previous post before this one, as this might not make a lot of sense otherwise. Well, it probably won't make a lot of sense anyway. I really enjoy recounting these exchanges.

Peter: “For someone who says they don’t follow wrestling, you sure seem to know a lot”.

Me: “Nah, you just pick this stuff up. Hey look, some Irish guy is throwing around a midget. Finlay, eh? He’s beating some guy with a shalaleigh!?”

Peter: “Midgets are funny”.

Me: “Midgets are funny. Remember when Doink and Jerry “The King” Lawlor had a rivalry going on? Those were some good midget fights man. Doink and Lawlor were having a match when Doink’s sidekick midget, Dink, came out and started causing all sorts of shit. Lawlor didn’t much like that, so next time he decided to have a little bit of insurance himself. They ended up getting three midgets each. Doink had Dink and...hmmmmm...well I can’t remember. Let’s go with Pink and Stink...*chuckle chuckle*

Peter: “Heh heh, good one mate.”

Me: “Heh, yeah. Lawlor had Cheesy, Sleazy, and Greasy. When all was said and done there was a huge midget brawl. Midgets were flying all over the place. I’m pretty sure everyone got hurt. It’s not important who won. The point is....uh....

Peter: “Midgets are funny”.

Me: “Exactly”.

Also, here is a link to my vote for "Game of the Year".

Are you the shit king? I am.

1 comment:

Meg said...

I, as well, am a Shit King.

Sadly I had to cheat and use my good looks to reach the top.