Friday, September 18, 2009

The Blog is Dead, Sorta.

I said the blog wasn't dead and I'm a filthy liar. The blog is dead dead.

Hear me out: I had full intentions of keeping it up when I got home, but after a few entries I realized that a blog created and nurtured based around the idea of me being in Palawan wouldn't work if I wasn't actually in Palawan. It seems much more obvious now than it did then.

So, to the 3-5 people still checking this page (Bless your hearts) I've decided to start a brand new blog. How exciting!

What will you find on this blog? I haven't hammered that out yet. What I do know is that I want to start writing bits and pieces again. I like writing and I like telling stories and I've done neither for far too long.

In the next few weeks or so I'll have a new page all ready to go. I'll post a link from this page and hopefully a few people will see it.



Meg said...

I've decided to start mine should just write about regular adventures!

Meghan said...

Stop being a complete 'Tard and keep writing. Jay-sus!

Meg said...

I concur with Micheal.

Matthew said...


Unknown said...


Meg said...

Seriously? still nothing?