Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Dizzy Reed of Posts

I went back to the hospital today. No strange rice-related illness this time, just a straight-up cold. Usually I’d just ride it out, but my eyes have become inflamed to the point where it hurts to be awake. I fixed that little problem yesterday by taking four extra strength cold and sinus Tylenol, the extra drowsy shit. After waking up from my 14 hour nap I still felt terrible and decided that over-the-counter self medication was a short-term solution at best. I went to the hospital and saw the same infectious disease doctor as last time. Blood-work and a facial x-ray later I had my diagnosis: I was home to a wonderful bacterial infection. Also, my blood was packed with allergens. This is what she told me. When I asked what I was allergic to the Doc kind of shrugged it off and wrote a prescription for some random drug. Whatever.

Matthew Walsh

I now have four prescriptions and a written suggestion (?) for an over-the-counter anti-bacterial soap for sensitive skin. I also got some free tips such as: “Wash your face” and “Don’t put your fingers in your eyes”. Finally, a doctor who tells it like it is.

The above paragraphs were written a few days ago. Since then I’ve been on the good drugs and feel 100% better. It’s amazing what blind trust in random drugs can do for a person. Not only do I feel better, but I look better too. For a few days I had some serious zombie eyes going on. It was so bad that I didn’t even want to go out in public, afraid that the locals would think I was some recovering World of Warcraft degenerate or Pete Doherty.

Not Matthew Walsh

To celebrate my recovery Andrew and I rented a motorcycle and went to Nagtabon Beach today. Man oh man what a beautiful spot. I took a bunch of pictures that I will eventually post on my Facebook account. We spent the whole day swimming, checking out the beach, and lounging around in the sun. Good times.

On a completely unrelated note, I downloaded the new Guns N’ Roses album a few days ago. Chinese Democracy has become something of a music industry joke, a very long and drawn out joke. I mean, it’s been in the making for the past 14 years, the band itself is now comprised of a constantly changing cast of musicians, and the only original remaining member is Axl Rose. Yes, keyboardist Dizzy Reed is still a member of the band, but he joined the group after the release of Appetite for Destruction, so technically he isn’t an original member. Besides, he’s the fucking keyboardist. No one gives a flying shit about Dizzy Reed. Anyway, the album itself has been in the oven for so long that, inevitably, the hype surrounding it was absolutely huge. Evidence arose early this year confirming that Chinese Democracy was indeed coming out November 2008. The punch-line was on the tip of the collective tongue. Everyone anticipated an unmitigated disaster. It couldn’t possibly match up to the enormous hype, but it in no way is the complete catastrophe the public anticipated. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but personally I think the album is shockingly solid. I too was expecting a total bomb but have to admit was utterly blown away by the genuine quality of the album. I’m not a music critic, so I won’t go into great detail of what I do and don’t like about the album (also because I’m sure none of you give a damn). All I can say is check it out for yourselves. Let me know what you think.

Well done Mr. Rose, well done.

So, all in all it was an excellent day. I’m feeling better, I got to experience a beautiful remote beach, and I wrote a wonderfully unnecessary paragraph on Guns N’ Roses that I am absolutely positive none of you give a flying shit about. That paragraph is possibly the Dizzy Reed of paragraphs.

Next week I told jimmy that I’d discuss the history and geography of Newfoundland with his creative writing students. Being a generally awful public speaker, this has “blog entry” written all over it. As a joke I was thinking of putting a bunch of complete bullshit in the presentation (ie. Newfoundland was originally a depot for Irish sex offenders). I have a few better ideas floating around but I’m all ears for suggestions.

Alright everybody, until next time.


wayne said...

Good stuff again Matthew, hope your feeling better, when you do you presentation on the history of NFLD don't forget to Speek about "DA BATTERY" and how close it is to the city but looks like a outport town. Also tell them that your dad is one of Twenty brothers and sisters and he is the Good looking one,, anyway again i love reading you blo, but lv ya more,dad

Nikita said...

i think you should do the entire presentation in solid newfinease... drop some "h"s and add others. also you should throw in a good 10 minute discussion about the newfoundland mafia, and about our infamious wild cockroaches