Sunday, November 2, 2008

Many Thanks and Ice-Creams

I was hesitant to publish the last post. Like I said, I didn’t want to appear ungrateful of this amazing opportunity and experience I’ve been given. Seconds after pushing “Publish” I was thinking of deleting it. Now I’m glad I didn’t.

I’d like to thank everyone who took the time to craft out a helpful response. Some of you posted comments on my blog wall; others messaged me on MSN or wrote e-mails. All the responses were very helpful and I really appreciate the advice and guidance given in each one. The fact that you guys took the time to try to make me feel better means a lot. Thank you.

In other news, I found a jingle that rivals the NCCC tune in infectiousness. The “Initial Exposure to Shit-Eating Grin” ratio is astonishing. I’ll crunch the numbers and get back to you. In the meantime I was able to covertly videotape the perpetrator in action. Yes, I caught the evil genius in the midst of a “sale” (A sale in the sense that the “customer” becomes a shambling currency conduit). The second you say to yourself, “What’s that noise?” you’re fucked. Not hungry? No money? Lactose intolerant? Too damn bad. You’re getting ice-cream.

Maybe I’m over hyping this. Maybe not. Judge for yourselves. Also, ignore the giggling idiot behind the camera. A side effect of the auditory drugging no doubt.

Cover the children's ears!!


Anna said...

Hi Matthew, Awesome capturing of the jingle on camera. I felt like I was really there. There is an ice-cream cart here, but neither the cart nor the jingle are quite so fancy. I also wanted to say that I always read your blog when I see there is a new entry, and I usually end up laughing at your crazy Palawan-ian antics. Being in a developing country makes for many hilarious moments, I am finding. I can't even remember all the crazy/hilarious things that have happened to me...otherwise I'd share an anecdote. Anyway, keep up the good blogging, and take care!


Anonymous said...

Great stuff buddy i read all the blogs and enjoy them all keep them coming Dad

Anonymous said...

Hahah, The jingle is awesome =)
I've now decided that you need to post more videos.