Saturday, November 15, 2008

No Snappy Title

It’s been raining for almost 24 hours straight now. If my iPod weather report is to believed, this will continue for the next 7 days, at which point a Filipino Noah will float by and rescue me and the meth-head cat from the roof on Aniceto’s Pension. Honest, it says that right there on the screen.

"Listen, i know you're new here, so I'll cut you some slack. You give me your wallet and I don't claw off your fucking face. Ka-peesh? Oh, and your blog sucks."

It’s a pity too; I bought a bike some time ago and used it quite a bit when the weather could be reasoned with. I’ve given up on going to the roof garden and shouting profanities at clouds. Mother Nature is clearly irrational, and I won’t stoop to Her level anymore ... whore. I went to NCCC yesterday to buy a bicycle pump and some grease for my chain (Turns out if you leave a bicycle outside 24/7 the chain gets a bit rusty. Heh, who knew?). I was originally just going to pretend the rust wasn’t there, but after biking 15 feet and hearing what can only be described as bicycle profanity, as well as nearly falling flat on my face from the jerky skipping of the chain over the gears, I decided to cut my bike some slack and treat her right. After all, what’s a couple of bucks for the comfort of knowing my bike won’t disintegrate into a cloud of red dust? People say you can’t put a price on safety. That’s bullshit. Peace of mind costs 115.75 pesos.

The reason I bring this up at all is because I had an epic plan today. My bike was to be fixed and I was to use it. My renewed sense of bike-fancy came from a ride I took two days ago. It was excellent. I went down Manallo St. as far as I could go, and then continued down Manallo Extension and Random Dirt Rd. until I figured I was lost enough. I zigged and zagged through countless side streets until I got my bearings again and began the journey home. As I said, it was excellent. My plan was to blow this excursion out of the water by travelling out the San Pedro highway until I barfed. Then I’d turn around and come back, burnt, dehydrated, and satisfied. I love to explore, and I’ve only seen much of that area through the shoulders of other multicab passengers, so a more hands-on tour would be exciting. Unfortunately, Mother Nature decided to be a bit of an asshole today...and next week...and most of the last two weeks. Bitch.

If it stops raining for an hour tomorrow Jimmy is going to teach me how to ride his motorbike. I’m really looking forward to this. It doesn’t look very hard but since I’ve never tried to ride a motorbike before, let alone a semi-automatic, cautious optimism is on the menu. Riding on top of the bus to Sabang was a laugh. I don’t think being dragged under a bus to Sabang will have the same thrill. Baby steps.

Oh, before I forget, I added a few new gizmos to the right side of the blog. There’s a clock displaying the time in Newfoundland and the Philippines for those of you who always NEED to know. Also, I’ve added a gadget that allows you to officially follow my blog. I don’t really know what’s required in order to make reading this page “official”, but if you are required to sign up for any shit, or think you might get assaulted with penis-enlargement spam, then don’t bother. However, if you want to sign up, or are the risk-taking type (live a little already) then I’d love to see who’s reading it. I’ve actually been quite shocked after learning of some of the people who have been following it.

So there you have it, another potentially entertaining entry. Remember, check out “Follow this Blog” on the right side of the page. You’d make my day. There might even be a bigger penis in it for you.


Anonymous said...

haha i love the methhead cat... you should bring him home with you and give tigger a new toy! you could be like the angelina for cats...
it's crappy abou the rain, but you should just put on a hat or get an umbrella and make the best of it :)

Anonymous said...

I know what I want for Christmas...

My very own Meth-head Cat. I'd name him 'Shakes' =)