Thursday, December 18, 2008

Absoutely Devastated

I was on the way home from Itoy's coffee house last night and I managed to leave my Hartford Whalers hat in the tricycle. It was by far my favorite hat and the best gift I've ever been given. I'm devastated. There's a small chance I might see the tricycle driver again. We were chatting briefly, and i left him a decent tip, so he may seek me out if he sees me on the street, but I'm not counting on it.

Goodbye vintage Whaler's hat.


Nikita said...

that is devastating... i hope you get it back!
i'll try to find another one for you if not!

also... after reading your last entry... please please please don't die... i will give you 5 whalers hats when you get back if you stay alive and in one peice. also. i second your dads opinion of this fatty... i would seriously look into what his issue is.

keep us updated plz!

ps. i want that little monkey... that is what i want... please bring it back with you! you know i've always wanted a monkey! this one is me sized!

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna miss that hat! It made you handsome... when you come home I may not be able to appreciate you're prettiness the same as before you left. Sorry Walsh.

As for the dude following you... it's too bad Sweetapple wasn't there with you. He's been blasting his quads to no end recently, so much so that he has to drive to Goodlife. He's pretty buff now, and could probably defeat this iPod fatty. Since you are without Major Pain, you'll have to get by with your wits. You've got pretty good wits so I'm sure you'll be alright.

PS - Nikita, Walsh may be in exotic lands but he doesn't have $1,000,000 yet. You're monkey dream will have to wait.

Matthew said...

I agree Davis. Without that hat I'm a fucking train-wreck.

It wouldn't matter if Sweetapple was skinny as a rail or buff stuff, if he was here right now fatty would just assume he was my guide from a village down the road. If our cover was blown Sweetapple would still be usuful though. If fatty tried any funny business Sweetapple could run into the middle of the road in front of his approaching motorcycle, flex his stuff ala The Heartbreak Kid,Shawn Michaels, and ramp fatty into the bay. All I'd have to do would be stand behind him and blast "Sexy Boy (Boy Toy)" through my ghetto blaster.