Sunday, December 7, 2008

Meth-Cat Contest!!

Meth-Cat is a lot like a cancer.

Over the course of the past few months Meth-Cat has been steadily growing on me. Also like cancer, unless treated with the proper regiment of drugs I'm positive he will kill me. So why am I so fond of this emaciated degenerate thief? This furry purring menace? Hard to say really. Maybe I'm scared to death of him and he's making me type these sentences with a razor sharp claw pressed to my neck. Or maybe it's something simpler. Maybe, just maybe, he's metastasized to my heart.

This is where you come in. I love to caption Meth-Cat's iconic image and, believe or not, he loves it too. Since I'm all out of wallets to steal and iPods to hock his meth bag is dangerously close to empty. Maybe just the right caption will sway the needle of his cold heart from "kill" to "torture" and you'll all get to see me again with plenty of anecdotes about my oddly shaped scars and burns. So how about it? Here's the photo:

So what's the caption?!!?!

The winner, as judged by Meth-Cat, gets a totally awesome and unique gift! OMGZ!!!!!

*Few will enter, fewer will win.


Nikita said...

"I judge people... and you suck!"

haha it seems appropriate! ps. do u still ahve that shirt?

Meg said...

"H-Hey...You Um...Got a dollar? I can stuff. Like- Cat Stuff."

Anonymous said...

I am doing meth while I caption this picture.

"i can has more crystal meth now?"

"good to know meth doesn’t affect fertility, hey baby?"

"i hate u so hard"

"gimme my meth.
don't make me ask again, boy."

um...yeah, that's all i gots.
buuut i sent you a semi-funny meth video and picture on FB.

Anonymous said...

"Punta Ina Mo!"
hey, who said meth-cat spoke english? and that's all I know in Tagalog haha, thanks walsh;)

Peachy Kean